Letter to the editor: So Edinburgh House is crawling out of the woodwork to defend its awful proposals for Gravesend’s Heritage Quarter.

All it seems to harp on about are “positive” retail effects of expanding St George’s shopping centre, which I feel would have a huge detrimental effect on New Road and King Street — the real town centre.

Strange, though, how it never seems to defend its plans to build 330 poky flats up to nine stories high on our historic riverside area, of which at least half fail to meet the government’s “lifetime homes standard”.

The flats — some of which are squeezed on top of the new shopping centre — would create an overcrowded slum, ruining the character and heart of our Heritage Quarter forever.

Edinburgh House is fighting tooth and nail to stick its rotten scheme here.

Maybe it has given up with its scheme in Castleford, as nearly eight years after being granted planning permission, no building work has been started.

We never hear it defending its reasons for not starting this development.

Did it lose interest? Or did it ever have the funds to do it?

Edinburgh House has no interest in Gravesend other than to line its pockets.

We don’t need this scheme, as all our Heritage Quarter needs is some TLC and sympathetic regeneration.

Zoe Draper, Windmill Street, Gravesend