Letter to the editor: With all the bad press and media coverage the NHS and emergency services are getting these days I felt I needed to relate the fantastic service I received on my way home in my car, where I had an argument with a lamppost after turning right on the mini roundabout in Pickhurst Lane.

Within seconds an off-duty policeman came to my aid and called the police.

Because I was having trouble with my breathing and had considerable pain I called 999 from my mobile.

I had considerable questions to answer and while this was happening an NHS car appeared followed by the police, two fire engines and an ambulance.

What efficiency and service.

They were calm and professional and I was soon in the ambulance and on my way to hospital.

A big thank you to all you guys for your care if you are reading this. Sorry for all the paperwork I caused you.

At A&E, the poor staff were rushed off their feet with paperwork.

I was there for a couple of hours but everyone was working flat out and I was treated with care and cheerfulness.

Maybe the government members who make the rules should all have to spend two weeks working with all these people and have a taste of what really goes on, sit around a table, talk with them and listen to their problems.

Edna Wingrave, Marden Avenue, Bromley