Letter to the editor: In response to EJ Malone’s suggestions (Take These Steps To Cut Dog Attacks, News Shopper, April 3), I would like to point out although microchipping is sensible, it can in no way prevent an attack.

And suggesting a dog should be muzzled or destroyed is laughable.

Responsible dog owners will probably end up jumping through all manner of unnecessary hoops, while the real issue of dangerous people producing dangerous dogs will continue unchecked.

The suggestions are reactionary and only adds fuel to the dog witch-hunt fire. I am fed up with being vilified by members of the public when exercising my dogs in public spaces. Exercising and socialising dogs properly reduces anxiety and allows a dog to be balanced and happy.

This is an important duty of all dog owners.

Unfortunately, people and pets do get attacked by dogs who have inadequate owners and this is awful.

However, these people are a minority.

We are very lucky to have many green spaces we can all enjoy.

We are also blessed with many fenced-off play areas for children to play. I urge people who are particularly fearful of dogs to make full use of these fenced-off play areas. However, if you choose to walk in a dog- friendly park, please do not demand we put our dogs on leads or shout at those of us who are fulfilling our duty of care to our dogs.

Public spaces are for us all to enjoy, and as much as we would like to eradicate all sources of potential danger, we cannot.

Penalising and harassing those of us who are already responsible and law abiding will not cure the problem.

Diana Chamberlain Clark, Bromley