Letter to the editor: I cannot understand why readers John Norman and Michael Tarrant (Traffic Problems? Send In The Clones / Best To Take Outburst Against ‘Moronic’ Wardens With A Pinch Of Salt) seem to criticise me for stating my annoyance and disgust at parking wardens.

I can only assume they are employed by the authorities or are even parking wardens.

I hope they both read the headline on the News Shopper (The Wrong Good Friday, News Shopper, April 3), yet another serious error made by these idiots.

The morons were issuing penalty notices on vehicles parked in car parks in Sidcup and Welling despite notices clearly stating free parking. These wardens quite obviously could not even read.

Why should it be up to the motorist to waste their valuable time objecting to a penalty notice issued incorrectly by the authorities?

As mentioned in my previous letter, I would like to know who employs these wardens and who trains them. Both parties are not doing a very good job, this needs looking into as well.

Bill Leman, Bexleyheath