Letter to the editor: I cannot believe a parent would badger headteachers, the board of governers and admissions team to demand the dates of a primary school trip and secondary selective entrance test should be changed to suit her child (Selective Test Date Thwarts School Trip, News Shopper, April 3).

My children, now 21 and 17, attended Crofton School and went on the trip to Rue.

It has always been scheduled at the same time of year and has to fit in with bookings from other schools.

The teachers work hard to make this trip enjoyable and pupils who cannot or do not go are still able to attend school.

Newstead Wood School cannot possibly liaise with every primary school within its wide catchment area to check if tests will clash with school trips or activities.

If Mrs Beeton’s 10-year-old thinks she might as well stop trying as she won’t be able to go on a school trip, it might be better not to apply to a secondary school where working hard and academic achievement is essential.

KATE ATKINSON, Blackbrook Lane, Bromley