Letter to the editor: Regarding the article regarding the Charity Commission’s damning assessment of the Cray Valley War Memorial Hall charity (It’s Not Good At Hall, News Shopper, March 27).

I am disgusted with the behaviour of those councillors who have clearly taken a laid-back approach to their work with this matter.

As a school parent governor who supports fundraising efforts at my sons’ school, I know all too well how regional charities can pull in substantial financial support for resources which can help all age groups.

As an example, many people know of the wonderful work Keddles Gym provides to the youth of the area, giving them a positive sporting outlet rather than being left to fester on street corners only to turn to crime.

What support has a club of this kind ever got from the borough?

If a board of trustees is unable to keep on top of the accounts, it can simply open up a new account and transfer any existing funds across from the old association.

It would not be difficult to start afresh and register the new account as a charity.

Bromley Council must have experts within this field who could support these struggling councillors who chose to put themselves forward as trustees, arguably for their own political ambitions.

I am particularly amazed to read even council leader Councilor Stephen Carr has not been successful in putting right this matter.