Letter to the editor: It seems every few months there is more bad news regarding trains in south-east London.

If it’s not prices rising above the rate of inflation or the system grinding to a halt because of a dusting of snow, it’s crippling engineering works which will stop me getting anywhere during the holidays.

After spending much of the Easter weekend stranded in Hither Green (as trains to Charing Cross, Waterloo and London Bridge were cancelled) I awoke on Monday morning to find out from News Shopper Southeastern will be in charge of trains for the next five years (Train Not Stopping, News Shopper, April 3).

Every few weeks we hear a politician criticise the company and yet every time Southeastern manages to wriggle its way out of a tight corner and is given free reign to continue as normal.

It’s enough to make me start fare-dodging. Maybe that’s what we all should do.

Roger Burton, address supplied