Letter to the editor: I read with interest your report about the canisters of nitrous oxide (Uproar Over Shop Selling Cannisters, News Shopper, March 27).

My area, too, is being blighted by these offensive things. Over the past few weeks I had noticed many of these canisters (pictured) lying on the road outside Upton Road Primary School in Iris Avenue, Bexley.

This part of Iris Avenue also runs along the golf course and there are not many houses along this part of the road, which enables whoever it is using these canisters to sit there and get high. However, in the past week outside my own home at the end of Iris Avenue, which overlooks the A2, I found on Sunday morning, at least 20 canisters strewn across the road and up my driveway, and this week my daughter came in to tell me boys were sitting in their cars smoking cannabis.

I have made several reports to the police about these incidents but I do not know if they have arrested or cautioned anyone about them.

It is very concerning to know shops are being allowed to sell these canisters basically under the noses of the police.

The police and shop owners know exactly what people are going to do with them and to say otherwise is plain stupid.

They are hardly going to make whipped cream with them, perhaps they will whip their brains up instead.

I am aware young adults are using these things and I am also aware that they are sitting in cars doing it.

What effect does this have on their driving abilities? When someone does die from misusing them, whose fault will it be?

As for Mr Chargers, perhaps if he was not making so much money out of the sale of these things he would have a better attitude.

Avril Kimmins, address supplied