Letter to the editor: What a rude letter written by Mr Barrett regarding our excellent fire service (Fire Crews Need To Stamp Out Blaze, News Shopper, March 27).

Instead of directing his insults at the fire crew perhaps he should have questioned the fact someone somewhere has allowed this tip to continue in business after it caught alight last year and ask how it could happen again.

Did he see the massive mound of rubbish on this site the week before, blighting the landscape?

It was disgusting. Surely the fire crews are entitled to a cup of tea on a freezing cold day and why shouldn’t they smile?

It’s also hardly their fault the fire hydrant meant a hose had to lie across the road.

These men save lives and in fact saved two members of my family last year.

Let’s hope Mr Barrett treats them with more respect if he ever needs their help.

Oh, and yes, I was stuck in this traffic on more than one occasion but I treated the situation with patience.

Wendy Johnson, address supplied