Letter to the editor: Your article on Councillor Alex Grant (Being A Labour Councillor Is Bad For Your Health, News Shopper, March 20) is very disturbing and makes you wonder just what is going on in Greenwich Council, the one Councillor Chris Roberts proudly boasts is “simply the best”.

It is quite clear there are serious problems. One of them, as Cllr Grant says, is decisions are made with little or no consultation with, among others, the community they are supposed to represent.

The Law Centre in Greenwich lost funding with no consultation.

People needing advice in Greenwich now have to travel to Plumstead. Now those on benefits have to pay 15 per cent council tax.

The reason people get council tax benefit is because they are on benefits and receive the minimum sum the government says they need to live on. Now the council want 15 per cent of that, leaving the poorest below the minimum the government decides they need to live on.

We are told people were asked if they wanted an increase in council tax or to charge those on benefits 15 per cent. The consultation was done without any advertisement or notice to anyone, especially those most seriously affected. After careful investigation by Trevor Allman of the Green Party, I was told it was advertised on a council website and people had to search for it in order to know it was being consulted on.

There was a third option to this consultation which was the council absorbed the cuts themselves. This was never put forward but it should have been.

The consultation should have been done fully and properly and advertised in the local press and Greenwich Time.

The council has been called on to cancel these plans and to consult fully and properly.

I have asked Councillor Spencer Drury to challenge the council on it due to its lack of proper consultation.

These factors lead me to accept the allegations regarding lack of consultation are at least correct.

I was surprised the chief whip seems nonplussed and the council refuses to discuss it.

He should investigate it and take appropriate action, because it is quite clear the council really isn’t simply the best.

I hope Cllr Grant will name those responsible. If my councillors are among them, I will not vote for them next time around.