A collection of around 1,500 items belonging to the late Freddie Mercury which range from lyrics to paintings are going to auction.

The collection includes over 30 years' worth of everything he kept in his West London home before he died in 1991.

When the lead singer died he left his house and the contents therein to his close friend Mary Austin.

Austin told the BBC: "You see the spectrum of his taste.

News Shopper: (PA) Freddie Mercury's 'only true friend' Mary Austin was left his estate upon his death(PA) Freddie Mercury's 'only true friend' Mary Austin was left his estate upon his death (Image: PA)

"It's a very intelligent, sophisticated collection."

Who is Mary Austin and how much did she inherit from Freddie Mercury?

Mary Austin was the girlfriend of Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury with the two meeting in 1969.

They lived together in West Kensington but by the mid-1970s, Freddie had begun an affair. In December Freddie informed Mary of his sexuality and the pair ended their romantic relationship.

However, they remained in touch with the Queen singer referring to her as his 'only true friend'.

When the singer died in 1991, he left his London home and belongings to Mary with these being valued at £75 million, including the £25 million home.

News Shopper: (PA) The lyrics to Killer Queen and We Are The Champions are to go on sale(PA) The lyrics to Killer Queen and We Are The Champions are to go on sale (Image: PA/Sotheby's)

Why is Mary Austin auctioning Freddie Mercury's belongings?

Mary Austin explained that she is selling the belongings "because I need to put my affairs in order."

The 72-year-old added: "The time has come for me to take the difficult decision to close this very special chapter in my life."

With the exception of a few "personal gifts" and photographs of the two, Mary is selling everything.

"I decided that it wouldn't be appropriate for me to keep things back. If I was going to sell, I had to be brave and sell the lot."

What Freddie Mercury items are going to auction?

Among the items going to auction is a portrait by French painter Tissot, an item bought by Freddie a month before his untimely death.

It was hung in his Kensington home so Freddie could see it from the sofa. It is estimated to fetch between £400,000-£600,000.

Freddie Mercury's lyrics are among other sought-after items going on sale with the original handwritten versions of We Are The Champions and original harmonies and chords expected to sell for between £200,000-£300,000.

News Shopper: (PA) Freddie Mercury's replica of St Edwards crown is expected to sell for between £60,000-£80,000(PA) Freddie Mercury's replica of St Edwards crown is expected to sell for between £60,000-£80,000 (Image: PA)

The unseen workings of the lyrics of Killer Queen written on a single sheet of paper are expected to fetch between £50,000-£70,000.

Mary said the lyrics were the most difficult part to sell, saying: "For me, the most beautiful side" of the man she knew.

"You're looking at the process of the artist, of work in progress," she added.

"The crossings out, the rethinking, the reformatting."

A number of Freddie's stage costumes will be going on sale as well with a lavish military-style jacket created for the singer's infamous 39th Birthday Party Drag Ball in Munich in 1985 expected to sell for £10,00-£15,000.

The singer's famous replica of St Edwards crown, which is to be worn by King Charles III during his coronation is likely to fetch between £60,000-£80,000.