GREEN belt land threatened by London Mayor Ken Livingstone's affordable housing plans has had a partial reprieve.

But planners may now have to choose which bit of protected land they will sacrifice to developers.

The London Plan, set up by Mr Livingstone and councils, said Bromley would have an affordable housing shortfall of 2,000 by 2016.

An inspector reviewing Bromley Council's Unitary Plan, which sets out its development plans, suggested building on four green belt sites.

These are the former allotments at Oakley Road, Bromley, land off Bushell Way, Chislehurst, and Copers Cope Road, Beckenham, and the former Blue Circle Sports Ground, Bromley Common.

The sites are a mixture of urban open space, metropolitan open land and green belt.

Councillors were due to discuss the plans at a development control committee meeting but just before they met, Mr Livingstone adjusted the shortfall to 1,500.

Development control committee chairman Councillor Tony Wilkinson said: "It is news Red Ken is listening when we say they are squeezing too much of London's housing into Bromley."

Green Party member John Street agreed and said: "We are already looking at a water shortage and there is not enough room to build schools."