A MOTHER has slammed hospital staff after her sick toddler was misdiagnosed three times despite being doubled over in agony from a tumour behind her kidney.

Simone Brabner, of Hazel Road, Slade Green, first noticed a change in her two-year-old daughter, Lylah, just after her first birthday in April last year.

But nine weeks ago she became more concerned after a lump appeared on Lylah's belly button.

Miss Brabner told News Shopper: "She wouldn't play with other children or play with her toys, she would just sit there all day.

"She was very grumpy and wouldn't let anyone near her."

A GP at Slade Green Medical Centre told the worried parents the lump was a hernia.

By July 4 the youngster was constantly screaming and not sleeping so Miss Brabner and Lylah's 25-year-old dad, Leon Barrett, took her to Darent Valley Hospital.

Miss Brabner said: "She was standing in accident and emergency bending over crying saying 'ow ow'."

Hospital staff told the family Lylah had a viral infection and referred her back to the GP, who then diagnosed a urine infection without even testing her urine.

The family took her back to the hospital a few days later where blood tests were finally taken and it was revealed on July 11 Lylah had neuroblastoma - a tumour behind her kidney half the length of her stomach.

Miss Brabner said: "We were trying for so long to tell the health officials there was something wrong.

"It's absolutely disgusting for them not to pick that up, I feel let down 100 per cent."

The 24-year-old added: "I'm quite a young mum and I feel they were thinking I was over reacting.

"They shouldn't just fob parents off, we know our children and we know if something is wrong.

"I want people to be aware if they think there is something wrong with their child and they are not getting answers they need to push it - otherwise if could prove fatal.

"Ask for a blood test. I wouldn't want anyone else to be in my position."

Lylah is now undergoing intense chemotherapy treatment every 10 days at the Royal Marsden Hospital.

Miss Brabner said: "At the moment the way she is responding to the chemotherapy is a positive step.

"They have got her pain under control and she is playing with children now and seems happier in herself."

News Shopper approached Slade Green Medical Centre for a comment but they said they could not respond without the full name of the doctor who treated Lylah.

A spokesman said: "When she was seen by one of the doctors she had a hernia and was referred to the surgeons at the hospital.”

A Darent Valley Hospital spokeswoman said: "The Trust apologises for not making the correct diagnosis at the first A&E attendance.

"When Lylah attended a few days later, she was admitted and the diagnosis was promptly made.

"The Trust wishes her good success with the chemotherapy she is having and want to assure the parents that the four days between the first and second attendance will not change Lylah’s chance of successful treatment."

Family and friends are trying to raise more than £5,000 to send Lylah to Disney World next year once her treatment has finished.

Fifty per cent of the cash will fund the trip while 30 per cent will be donated to the Royal Marsden Hospital and 20 per cent to children's charity Clic Sergeant.

A fundraising raffle and fun day will be held from 12.30pm to 4.30pm on Friday (August 31) at the Sportsman, in Moat Lane, Slade Green.

To make a donation, email lylahsmum1@sky.com