Just hours before seeing Isy Suttie perform in the Little Top at the Greenwich Comedy Festival I bumped into my ex coming out of a newsagent.

We had parted fairly well a few years ago and - aside from the odd time in Sainsbury's - had not seen each other since so it was nice to chat and see her looking so happy.

She was never 'the one' but made me reassess what 'the one' should be and would have been someone I would have written about if Isy Suttie had been my penfriend.

Instead Isy's penfried is an accountant called Dave who lived a few doors down from her when she was a child.

This friendship is documented from its conception to the present day in her expertly crafted show Pearl and Dave.

But, as the title of the show suggests, she charts much more than their friendship.

Using extracts from letters, emails and Facebook messages with a liberal sprinkling of comedy songs she tells the story of Dave - his search for love, 'the one' and the elusive Pearl.

In doing so she opens herself up to the audience and reveals much about her own love life - including hilarious anecdotes about her mother 'helping' her to get on internet dating websites and the best description of finding 'the one' ever.

It is a show which is as brilliantly put together as anything by Daniel Kitson and - dare I say - even funnier.

I would be happy to give it five stars but then she would have nothing to work towards when penning her next show.
