A NEW forum is being set up to invite people to have their say about services and issues.

The Bromley Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Forum will be the largest group of its kind in the borough when it launches on October 14.

It will give people the chance to talk publicly about issues affecting the community.

It is a partnership between the Safer Bromley Partnership, Bromley police, the health development department of Bromley Primary Care Trust, the Metropolitan Police's LGBT advisory group and LGBT charity Galop.

Safer Bromley Partnership's head of community safety Colin Newman said: "I welcome the establishment of a LGBT forum as an exciting opportunity to further develop our relationship with Bromley's diverse communities."

The forum's launch will be held at Community House, South Street, Bromley, between 3pm and 5.30pm. Call Galop on 020 7704 6767 for further details.