A SHAKE-UP of provision for children with special educational needs is on the way.

The proposals, including the closure of Westbrooke School for children with behavioural and emotional difficulties and the relocation of Woodside School from Belvedere to Sidcup, have been approved by Bexley Council's cabinet and will go to public consultation.

The council has investigated what special needs children have and what is available.

It says needs are not always met and some pupils are forced out of borough to get help.

Cabinet member for schools Councillor Simon Windle says in some areas, such as children on the autistic spectrum, provision was "woefully short".

Director of education Deborah Absolom promised question and answer sessions, meetings for parents and staff, information on the council's website and a leaflet.

She says mainstream schools welcomed the opportunity to include specialised teaching units for special needs pupils.

Staff at the threatened Westbrooke School, Welling, raised doubts about moving children who have been expelled from mainstream schools due to behavioural problems, back to ordinary schools.

The consultation results will go to December's cabinet meeting and the changes phased in during the next three years.