TRIBUTES have been paid to an ex-grammar school pupil who died after falling down a flight of stairs at university.

Timothy Jarvis, from Orpington, was a matter of days into his maths degree at the University of Essex when the incident happened.

The 18-year-old was taken to Colchester General Hospital, but after suffering severe head injuries, later died at Queen’s Hospital, in Romford.

His father Peter Jarvis spoke of his son’s excitement at starting university.

Mr Jarvis said: “Tim was a relaxed and friendly character who was excited by the prospect of university life and the possibility of a study year in the US.

“His family is distraught at his loss.”

The former St Olave’s pupil had just moved into a flat on campus and his flatmates have spoken of their shock and paid tribute to their friend.

Sociology student Jenny Lee, 18, said Timothy had been drinking and socialising with a group of friends in the flat kitchen, on the night of the tragedy – October 11.

At about 10pm, Jenny said Timothy started chasing some of the flatmates around as a joke, and she went into her room.

She then heard a bang and added: “I came out, went down the stairs and just saw him lying at the bottom of the stairs.

“He couldn’t wake up – that’s when we all started panicking and called the security people.

“They checked to see if he was conscious. That’s when they called the ambulance.”

Fellow flatmate Dimitris Vachaviolos, 18, from Maldon, added: “First impressions of him were that he was a real character and everyone seemed to get on with him.”

An university spokesman said: “The university would like to offer its condolences to the family and will be offering support to those on campus who have been directly affected.

“The university will be assisting the coroner’s office with its inquiries into this accident.”

Did you know Timothy Jarvis? Call the newsroom on 01689 885725.