TEN people will make a decision this week that could change the area around Millwall football club forever.

Lewisham Council’s strategic planning committee will meet on Thursday (Oct 13) to decide on the £850m Surrey Canal Road development which will see The Den surrounded by buildings up to 27-storeys high.

Lions chief executive Andy Ambler has welcomed the proposals, which include changes to The Den’s appearance and room for it to expand in the future by more than 6,000 seats.

He told News Shopper: “It's a big day on Thursday. It could be a very important step forward for Millwall.

“I'm encouraged that this football club will be an integral part of it and we'll be able to continue to function and thrive.”

Along with transforming the immediate area with new streets, public areas, shops, homes and a hotel, the scheme proposes upgrading The Den’s façade and changes to its parking facilities.

News Shopper: The Surrey Canal Road development

It would also see sports facilities, around 2,400 new homes and increased employment in the area, with developer Renewal estimating that 2,000 jobs could be created.

Millwall’s ground currently has a capacity of 20,148 but in the future could be expanded to 26,500, if the club reaches the Premier League and can stay there.

That target could be met by constructing a larger West Stand and extensions to the East, North and South ones.

Mr Ambler told News Shopper: “We go into this knowing we have security and that we can expand the stadium, within reason, if we need to in the future.

“We've been here many years and we want to remain here and thrive as a club here.”

He said: “This football club will be sitting in the middle of a development of some 2,500 dwellings - that could have a major impact.

“Most of the impact will be positive.

“But 5,000 or so people living on your doorstep compared with nothing at the moment will bring challenges.”

News Shopper: The Surrey Canal Road development

Officers have recommended the development for approval and the committee will decide on October 13 at Catford Town Hall.

George Lampey, board member of Millwall Supporters’ Club, said: “Our thoughts have always been that as long as it doesn’t harm our football club in any way then it’s reasonable.

He said: “The area’s rundown and has been like that for many years.

“Anything that improves the area is good news not only for Millwall but for the people that live nearby.”

But Mr Lampey insisted that the long-delayed new railway station at Surrey Canal Road was still vital.

Plans for a rail link as part of the East London Line are still just proposals as question marks remain over its funding.

Mr Lampey said: “The station is paramount and really should be part and parcel of any development.”