A PRE-SCHOOL owner has accused a church of "stealing her business".

Last year members of Belvedere and Erith Congregational Church, in Picardy Road, Belvedere, decided not to renew the lease of Picardy Pre-School, which had been running in the church hall for more than 40 years.

Pre-school owner, Karen West, was told the hall was going to be used in a new way.

At the time more than 300 people signed a petition to stop the closure but were not successful.

Russlyn Stickland, a church member who was part of the group that decided to end Picardy Pre-School's lease, has now opened a mini Montessori stay and play group in the hall.

Parents stay with their children at the Montessori and youngsters are encouraged to work at their own pace, either individually or with others.

News Shopper: Karen West with angry parents outside Picardy Pre-School in Erith

Mrs West, of Raglan Road, Belvedere, said: "I’m utterly disgusted, appalled and disappointed they have opened a mini Montessori having more or less thrown away Picardy Pre-School which had such a solid reputation and a pillar of the community.

"They are basically stealing my goodwill and taking children that are meant to be mine."

The 56-year-old, who moved her business to 9th Erith Scout Hall, in Erith Road, Erith, says her "whole world collapsed" when Reverend Mark Evans told her the pre-school must leave the church.

She said: "For a man who supposedly represents God and the way we should live, he has stolen my business. It doesn’t matter how he wraps it up."

Mrs West says 80 children used to attend her pre-school each day but there are now only 20 after she was forced to move out of the catchment area.

Church response

A statement from members of Belvedere and Erith Congregational Church said: "Karen West's claim that her business has been 'stolen' is strange owing to the fact that Picardy Pre-School is still open and flourishing.”

It added: "If Karen West has indicated she was forced out by the church in order that the Mini Montessori could be established, this is wholly inaccurate.

"Picardy Pre-School was run as an independent business and had, other than being a tenant, no connection whatsoever with the church in as much as there was no active participation from them in church functions."

The statement also said a consultation was held in February about the venue and Mrs West could have attended with a business proposal, which would have been considered.

Russlyn Stickland said: "It's a decision made by the church. There was a consultation for anyone who wanted to use the hall. I went through the whole process.

"It's my businesses it has nothing to do with the church. I'm paying rent like anyone else. I can't understand why she is making such a deal over this. She still has her business."

She added: "Parents come in and be with their children. Karen runs a pre-school where children stay with her, which is completely different."