A SPONSORED walk and a night of music has raised more than £500 for charity.

Adam York, of High Street, Orpington, was inspired to organise the event after becoming a postman.

The 26-year-old said: "Being on my feet and walking up to nine miles a day has really changed my attitude.

"I saw people on Facebook doing charity walks and Race for Life and I thought 'I could do that. I could beat that'.”

Mr York walked 15 miles from Orpington High Street to The Red lion, in Crete Hall Road, Gravesend.

Around 60 people then joined him in the pub where six bands performed including Midgar, As Worlds Collide and My Third Leg.

Cash raised went to Kent Association for the Blind.

To make a donation, visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/15miles