The weather might have been appalling last Saturday, but Farnborough Kent Round Table's fundraising came up trumps as it raised £3,000 for three local charities - Demelza Children, Bromley Autistic Trust and Life Bus.

Despite the weather, the fair was well attended with special attractions such as the donkey derby where adults had the opportunity to indulge in some tote betting, donkey rides for the wee ones and tea and cakes which were prepared by the wives and partners of the Round Table.

Also contributing to the £3,000 kitty was a raffle where the prizes wine tasting for 10, a trolley full to the brim of groceries (mainly wine and spirits) and a helicopter ride over London.

The Farnborough Round Table will be handing over a cheque to each of the three charities at a ceremony to be announced shortly.

Over the past five years, Farnborough Kent Round Table has raised funds for Bromley Autistic trust, ICARE, Life Bus, Cancer Research and The Scouts Association to name a few.

Its members take pride in being a part of a very social group of people where fun, friendship and trying something new and exciting is always on the menu.