SELFISH motorists who are ignoring “no right turn” signs to avoid queuing traffic are putting people’s lives at risk.

Worried shopkeepers in Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, say they have appealed to Bexley Council and the police to do something about motorists who are breaking the law to turn right into Coton Road.

The shopkeepers say they have all witnessed near misses as unwitting pedestrians cross Coton Road, not expecting any traffic to be turning right into the road.

And to make the turn, vehicles have to avoid the traffic island located to prevent them from making the move, by driving on the right-hand side of the road.

The problems have arisen since changes were made to the traffic lights at nearby Welling Corner.

Because vehicles are now allowed to turn left into Welling High Street, traffic queues have lengthened and impatient drivers have been trying to find other ways round the lights.

Ward councillor John Waters says the problem has been discussed at a sector police meeting and it has been brought to the attention of the local policing tem.

He said: “It is almost ipossible to stop, but one answer might be to make the traffic island even longer, which would make the turn much more difficult.”

A council spokesman said improvements being made to the traffic light phasing at Welling Corner may reduce the temptation to turn right into Coton Road. Other ways of discouraging drivers from making the illegal move would also be considered as part of the current study of the A207 Welling corridor.

She said the council had brought concerns to the police’s attention.