MYTHS and monsters is the theme for the school half term holiday activities at The Historic Dockyard in Chatham.

At a time of year when thoughts of witches and ghosts are uppermost in the mind, the friendly witch Megan has stories of mythical creatures from the deep which will enchant, rather than scare, the younger ones.

Children will find out about ghost ships, superstitions linked to the sea and the monsters and mermaids that either frightened or tempted the sailors of long ago.

Craft fun will also be available daily during this period.

In the new No.1 Smithery there’s the opportunity for children to create their own museum gallery with a sticker book and their own drawing on the children’s activity walk Through Spencer’s Eyes, as well as hands-on fun on the pipe-bending floor and in the activity room.

As tickets to The Historic Dockyard are valid for 12 months, return visits can be made throughout the year offering excellent value for money and no end of fun.

Myths and Monsters. The Historic Dockyard in Chatham. October 23 to October 31. For more information, visit