A SHOP owner was pinned against a wall as ram-raiders made off with a cash machine.

Ismet Karkus was awoken by a "terrifying bang" as a Land Rover was smashed into his off-licence, Bob's Store in Lower Higham Road, Gravesend.

The 30-year-old, who lives above the shop, was woken at 2.30am on July 14 and ran downstairs to see what was happening.

Mr Karkus found the Land Rover halfway inside the shop and a man tying a metal chain around the cash machine.

He said: "I was so angry I lunged forward to tackle the man and managed to get his mask off."

Mr Karkus then ran outside to challenge three other men in a Jeep Cherokee.

He said: "I thought I was going to die when they drove towards me and smashed me against the wall."

Mr Karkus managed to get back to the flat and found his wife Sarah, seven-year-old daughter and six-month-old son huddled in the corner. The couple went downstairs and saw the shop front had been smashed and the cash machine had gone.

Mr Karkus says the incident has caused more than £16,000 damage to the shop front, stock and electrical equipment.

The ram-raid is being linked to 35 similar incidents which have taken place across north Kent in the past two years. Call north Kent police on 01474 565155.