IT has been a summer of canal cleaning in Thamesmead for residents and staff from Trust Thamesmead.

The trust has teamed up with waterways charity Thames21 to try and rid the canals which crisscross the town, of rubbish as well as excessive algae and pennywort weed, which reduce the oxygen supply to the water.

In recent weeks volunteers have worked on the canal off Bentham Road near Windrush Primary School and trust staff have been concentrating on Butts Wood canal, also off Bentham Road.

The canal footpaths have also been cleaned up to make them more appealing.

There are still more clean-ups in the pipeline and the next one is on September 14 from 11.30am until 2.30pm.

Volunteers should meet at 11.30am at the Tump53 (corr) nature reserve off Bentham Road.