A 43-YEAR-OLD man has gone on trial charged with raping a 29-year-old woman.

Norman Robinson, of no fixed address, has pleaded not guilty to raping the woman behind a takeaway in Plumstead High Street on January 19.

The Old Bailey heard today (Aug 9) that the woman worked in the city and went for drinks when she finished on January 18.

She had drunk around seven pints of beer and three shots.

Prosecution barrister Adina Ezekiel said: “She had quite a bit to drink and you will hear from herself that she was drunk.

“She was put into a taxi. The taxi driver took her to Plumstead police station because she had fallen asleep. He was assisted by two police officers.”

A jury of four men and eight women heard that a minicab was called to take the woman home but by the time it arrived she had left.

Miss Ezekiel said: “She remembers this man approaching her and grabbing her arm and she was taken to a shed or garage around the back of the premises.

“The defendant grabbed a duvet from the corner of the room and spread it out in the centre of the floor.”

She added: “He sat her down on the duvet. During this incident in the garage she remembers saying ‘don’t, don’t please.’ “She was then raped.”

The court heard that the victim got dressed and left. She walked back to her home in Charlton and reported the rape to police two days later.

Miss Ezekiel said: “She was examined and various samples were taken and her clothing was seized.”

Jurors heard that Robinson, who lived with his wife and children, was arrested on February 19.

Miss Ezekiel said that Robinson at first claimed the incident had nothing to do with him, but later admitted having sex with the woman, claiming it was consensual.

Jurors were shown a video interview of the woman which she gave on February 2.

But during cross-examination defence barrister Gavin Holme said: “I suggest it didn’t happen like that at all.

“I suggest it couldn’t have happened the way you have described.”

He added: “There are two possibilities here. One, you’re confused “When you spoke to your flatmate the next afternoon you mentioned that you had reported it to the police “What we know is that you did attend Plumstead police station but it was in the back of a taxi.

The woman said: “I don't have a memory of the police station. I just told her that because I knew she would convince me to go to the police. It was to keep her quiet.

Mr Holme said: “The second reason I will suggest is that you made it up.”

The woman denied this.

Mr Holme added: “I will suggest you made it up because you were humiliated.

“Your flatmate found you on the steps at 6.50am. You had a boyfriend. You didn’t want them to know you had sexual intercourse with a stranger did you?”

She said: “That didn't happen.”

Robinson denies rape.

The trial continues.