When Trust Thamesmead found out 5th Abbey Wood Brown Owl Sandy White was celebrating 30 years in the Brownies we tweet-a-wooed on down there to pay our respects.

Sandy White, who lives in Thamesmead, first started her Brownie life in Sydenham at the age of seven, followed by the Girl Guides at the age of 11 and becoming a Pack Leader at the youngest age possible; 18 when she moved to Thamesmead, after a neighbour suggested she take over from their Brownie Leader who was leaving.

“I have really enjoyed the last 30 years at the Brownies,” said Sandy. “I have made so many friends over the years; with everyone from five year olds; a lot of whom I have seen grow up, to their parents and grandparents. Both my daughters are members of the Brownies with my eldest being a Leader.

“A special thank you goes to Trust Thamesmead’s Life Long President Ted Claridge and wife Pat who have been there for me throughout the years, both professionally and personally.” With modest Sandy adding: “I would also like to say thank you to my eight Brownie leaders; credit goes to them, I could never do it on my own and to Trust Thamesmead who helped us gain funding.”

The 5th Abbey Wood Brownies were one of 30 Thamesmead-based community organisations Trust Thamesmead helped to access £82k of additional funding in 2008/09, which will go towards the group attending a Pack Holiday in Sevenoaks in July: “Funding is vital for the Brownies,” said Sandy. “This particular money will help the Rainbows and Brownies to visit the countryside and experience new sights and sounds; many of them have never been outside of Thamesmead before.”

Adding: “I really enjoy being with the kids and especially seeing the shy ones or ones with a disability enjoying themselves and shining through.

“Here’s to the next 30 years!”

Trust Thamesmead’s Head of Community Development David Stone said: “Sandy is a stalwart member of our community who is regularly involved in all types of community development and a valued member of our community forum.”