A RECRUITMENT drive aimed at tackling youth unemployment had a promising turnout at its first interview session.

More than 100 young people aged 16 to 24 attended First Steps to Employment's (FTSE) induction day at The Woodlands in Hilda May Avenue, Swanley, on May 27.

The initiative, which aims to help young unemployed people by hiring them to work on local construction projects, set up interviews for the applicants with the Job Centre and Kent County Council.

And 30 people were successful in reaching the final interview round for trades jobs such as carpentry and plumbing.

FTSE founder Neville Gaunt said: “It was a very long day and we believe we gave everyone a fair opportunity.

“It’s now up to the community to give us a chance to show it.”

For more information about the scheme, call 0203 239 6330.