A CAMPAIGN aimed at reducing the number of pickpocket and purse thefts has been launched in Hertfordshire.

Hertfordshire Constabulary figures show that personal thefts increased across the county to 671 in the first four months of the year. Although Bishop's Stortford had the lowest number of thefts from the 14 hotspots in the county - just 16 related crimes - police have launched Operation Dipper in a bid to tackle the rise in offences and warn people to be alert and keep valuables safe and out of sight.

Assistant Chief Constable Steve Devine said: "Thefts of purses have risen significantly in the last year and we don't underestimate the effect this type of crime has on its victims.

"The majority of people targeted are the most vulnerable members of our communities, such as elderly women, but we would urge people to be alert when they're out shopping in town centres."

Mr Devine said it would take a thief only a "split second" to steal a purse or wallet.

Posters are being distributed across the county to be displayed in shop windows, doctors surgeries and on public transport.

Mr Devine added: "We've made a number of arrests of purse dippers over the last few months, most of who have been travelling into Hertfordshire to commit crime and we will act robustly against anyone found to be committing purse thefts.

"We want to make Hertfordshire a 'no-go area' for pickpockets."

Anyone with information on pickpocket offences should ring 0845 33 00 222.