VANDALS sprayed obscene graffiti on the gravestones of notorious gangsters Ronnie and Reggie Kray and their mother, Violet.

Their brother Charlie and Reggie's wife Francis's gravestones were also vandalised on February 23.

A council spokesman said: "Headstones on the Kray family plot in Chingford were graffitied with black spray paint. This incident occurred some time during the day and the paint was cleaned off as soon as staff were notified of the problem."

He said the nature of the graffiti could not be revealed.

The Kray twins inspired fear throughout the London underworld in the 1960s and achieved notoriety when they were jailed for the killing of two other gangsters in 1969.

A local man who saw the graves said: "It was disgusting. That sort of thing shouldn't happen, no matter who you are."