CAR CHASE: A red Ford Escort Eclipse car, believed to have been stolen from West Wickham, was chased by police from Bourne Valley, Bromley, to Parliament Square, central London, last Saturday. An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of aggravated taking and driving the car away, driving without insurance and driving while disqualified.

CHARGED: A 58-year-old man from Orpington has been arrested on suspicion of murder. The victim, George Francis, 63, was found in his car in Rotherhithe in May, 2003. He had been shot in the head and chest. Another man has been charged and another arrested in connection with the crime.

GLASSED: A 20-year-old man was bottled in the face inside O'Neills pub in East Street, Bromley, at 11.10pm last Friday night. Five people were arrested for affray and disorderly conduct outside Delano's nightclub, East Street, Bromley, last Saturday at 1am.

OFFERING SUPPORT: Bromley Council has set up a £830,000 project to review schemes which support adults with learning disabilities. It wants to help people live more independent lives.

PURSUIT: Police gave chase to a red Ford Fiesta in South Eden Park Road, Beckenham, at around midnight last Saturday. A 19-year-old man was arrested for vehicle taking and driving the vehicle away.