A QUIRK of fate has led to a cat-lover being reunited with his moggie, more than two years after it disappeared.

Craig Sayers, of Moordown, Shooters Hill, thought he had lost his cat Joey forever, when he went missing in 2003.

But now Mr Sayers, 33, is happy again after finding his black and grey cat in unusual circumstances.

The tennis coach was playing a match at the nearby Shooters Hill Tennis Club, Eaglesfield Road, when he spotted a cat in the bushes.

He soon realised the moggy was his beloved Joey, named after the character from hit TV sitcom Friends.

Mr Sayers knew it was Joey after he saw the microchip he had fitted him with before he went missing.

He said: "I can't believe it. This has to be a one-in-a-million chance.

"Finding Joey has made me believe in fate. If I wasn't playing tennis on that day at that club I would never have found him."