Celebrated their end-of-the-year Hogmanay dance in traditional style. Members and friends packed Petts Wood Memorial Hall, to welcome the New Year.

Proceedings began in style with a sherry reception followed by a sit-down supper. This set a comfortable relaxed atmosphere and as soon as the tables were cleared away, "Strictly Come Dancing" scottish style commenced with dancers reeling and jigging to music by Robin Ellis and his Band.

A short break for refreshment and mince pies allowed time for the raffle to be drawn. Members and guests contributed generously and a substantial amount was raised for the Society's charity fund. Dancing continued until almmost midnight, when the "Grim Reaper" (John Osborne) made his last and thankfully fruitless appearance, to be booed off and to make way for a youthful Year 2006 (Lesley Vincent).

The task of M.C. was shared and superbly handled by Mike Talbot and David Cullens who also gave a recitation on 'First Footing' in his usual humorous and authentic style.

The overall enjoyment resulting from the enthusiastic involvement of everyone present was obvious. President Angela Campbell brought the evening to a close by thanking all who contributed to make this dance so successful, in particular convener Denise Buick and her team of helpers.

For details of classes, please phone Pam French on 01689 873511.