Yet again we had a very enjoyable birthday lunch at Bromley Court Hotel with 40 members attending.

Our Christmas Social went with a bang as we pulled our crackers, read out the jokes and wore our paper hats at a rakish angle.

Before that, however, the president had conducted the business side of the meeting, reduced to a minimum naturally. This was followed by an interesting quiz, and then the party proper commenced with sausage rolls, mince pies, cake etc., not forgetting the jolly Jerusalem, Teddy Bear's Picnic etc., set to frivolous words, written by another member.

The party ended with a song-song of popular songs in which we all participated. We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 2pm in Farnborough Village Hall and we do like having visitors, so come along and join us.

For further details call the secretary on 01689 824532.