Are you all ready to start the new year with a fresh approach?

Being the first day back to work today, I got thinking about how to motivate myself and then my work colleagues into a new year fresh start approach.

I thought that I would create a reward points campaign for each employee who receives praise, recognition or just does something that helps the company positively in some way.

The point system will work on the basis of: three points being awarded for an extra special act or direct recognition being made to an employee by a customer or colleague, two points for a positive act of team spirit or motivational practice, and one point for a lesser but still to be recognised act.

An employee then accrues points over the next year and they get a reward, based on their scores at the end of the year.

This reward will be based on their own personal likes and interests. The rewards can fit in with any budgets available, as long as it is matched to their tastes and interests and more importantly shows a token of thanks and aprreciation for their hard work and professional conduct.

I think I saw a spark of interest when I mentioned this to the team. I'll let you know how it pans out.