The Orpington Friendship Club welcomed several visitors to their monthly meeting and we hope that they enjoyed the film show by the Orpington Film Makers & Video Club.

Their presentation is a real joy to watch and this was a repeat visit. Foxes in the local area such likeable animals and not at all the foes to be cruelly hunted; early morning life at a French beach; a run through the year 2003 with lots of reminders of things since forgotten the snow in January, the heat in summer, centenary car shows and other events; Robins happily nesting in a garage being rebuilt and not minding the presence and noise of several workmen; and so much more was there to see and enjoy.

The Club caters for the over 50s and is a happy mix of working and retired members. As a Friendship Club we welcome new members the more the merrier. Christmas is a busy time with a visit to Bromley Little Theatre on December 17, our Christmas meal on Friday evening, December 9 and our Christmas meeting with eats and entertainment on Thursday, December 15.

At our monthly meeting on January 19, 2006 we will have a talk: Sweatmarks in Swaziland. There will also be a visit to the theatre and a pub meal. If you would like to know more, please phone Charles/Cathy on 01689 811183.