A team of 22 volunteers from the West Kent Branch of the Democracy Movement set up their colourful stand in High Street, Swanley, Saturday 19 November.

The bright red banners proclaimed the need to recover power that has been passed to Brussels if we are to regain our democracy. The movement is not a political party and its nation-wide branches campaign for a Europe of independent sovereign nations to replace the present superstate.

Although Europe seems to have gone quiet' after the overwhelming defeat of the Constitution by the French and the Dutch, most of our legislation continues to come from Brussels, passing into our law without scrutiny by Parliament. In addition, nations conceded more power to Brussels at the recent Hampton Court summit.

So the Movement's campaign is even more necessary.

The volunteers distributed over 1500 leaflets, and shoppers were encouraged to make their views known to their MP. In the Movement's three visits to Swanley, almost 3000 people have added their names to the list of the West Kent Branch supporters, which now numbers 63,254.

The West Kent Branch Hon Sec, Josephine Wilkins, can be contacted on 01732 452084.