PROPOSALS to try to resolve the traffic congestion problems in one town centre are up for comment.

A one-way system was introduced in 1996 in Crayford town centre but increasing volumes of traffic means the roads are still clogged with vehicles.

Now Bexley Council and its traffic consultants have come up with new plans which they hope will improve bus journey times and make travel easier for pedestrians and cyclists. The scheme will be paid for by Transport for London.

The plans include removing the bus lane and traffic islands in Crayford Road and reintroducing the left turn into Crayford Way; creating a toucan crossing available to cyclists at the London Road and Roman Way junction; linking of all the traffic light timings on the one-way system; creating a new loading bay in Crayford Road and creating short-term parking and loading bays and reducing the number of street signs.

The consultation closes on December 16. The plans are available at Crayford library, in Crayford Road, or at