RecruitRank is a new initiative enabling jobseekers to help improve and develop recruitment agencies by providing comments and feedback on the service they receive.

It was launched by employment website Jobsite and the top 10 recruitment agencies with the highest ratings for customer service will feature on

Candidates can now comment on their job seeking, from finding the ideal role to how good the agencies are at keeping in touch.

The aim of this service is to give jobseekers a public platform to voice opinions on recruitment services which will in turn streamline the whole experience for everyone.

RecruitRank was developed in response to Jobsite research involving more than 5,000 UK job seekers.

The findings revealed while many UK employees may be dissatisfied with their current role, the thought of job seeking is just as daunting with more than half (52 per cent) of all jobseekers admitting they did not enjoy the experience of looking for a new job.

Some 58 per cent raised concerns over the lack of regular feedback from recruiters to potential candidates.

In addition, 21 per cent felt agencies did not consider their individual needs and a fifth thought their agency did not fully understand their chosen industry.