If you fancy yourself as something of an expert on estates or a property professor there is a new online quiz ready to test your knowledge and prove whether you deserve to be on the top, or bottom, rung of the property ladder.

The Ultimate Homes Quiz, which can be found at the website channelfour/4homes.com will divide those who know their freeholds from their leaseholds.

All you need to do is answer as many testing teasers as possible, from the database of 1,000 property related questions. Each time you get one right, you will be awarded a point.

The quiz, ranges from the serious to the silly, covering topics such as property law, interior design, construction and news. With questions such as which legendary guitarist wrote Red House and Castles in the Sand? And, what is the definition of mesne law, it is both fun and challenging.

Players get three lives to answer as many questions as they can and the top ten people in the leaderboard at midday on December 8 will win Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstalls' Beyond River Cottage on DVD.

At the time of going to press, the leaderboard was headed by staggering score of 636 and our position (unclassified) with just four correct answers.

Channel 4 admits the Ultimate Homes Quiz is fiendishly difficult.