BRANCH SCHEME: Bromley Community Wood Recycling is looking for a drop-off point where people can leave wood to be treated and resold.

The company, which employs people with learning disabilities, is looking for between half an acre and an acre of space within a 20-mile radius of Bromley. If you can help, call Terry on 07947 300180.

CALLING OUT: Bromley Mencap, a charity which raises money for children and adults with learning disabilities, is looking for choir members to join it for a one-off fundraising event. If you can join in at the Glades shopping centre, High Street, Bromley, between 11am and 1pm on December 16, call Susanne Dowsell on 020 8466 0790.

SHELL SHOCK: A fully-grown tortoise was found on November 15 in a back garden in Chorleywood Crescent, St Paul's Cray. The animal is reported to be in a very poorly state. The Sevenoaks Avian and Exotic Animal Veterinary Centre is hoping to trace its owner. If you have any information, call 0870 750 3351.

SEASONAL LUCK: The Advocacy Alliance is holding a Christmas raffle on December 12. Prizes include £100 cash, a meal for two, pantomime tickets and a makeover. Tickets can be bought from the charity's office, Unit F, Cran Works, 1a Howard Road, Bromley. Call 020 8460 6712.