THE quest to quash bullying in schools is stepping up a gear with a host of activities throwing a spotlight on the problem.

The borough's schools have organised events as part of anti-bullying week, which ends on Friday.

Pupils at All Saints Catholic School, Layhams Road, West Wickham, won a Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award for Young People, for their anti-bullying campaign, earlier this year.

Students visited Westminster on Monday to discuss an anti-bullying charter with the charity beatbullying.

Youngsters at Pickhurst Infant School, Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham, are making jewellery and holding ceremonies around the theme of circle of friends.

The week is co-ordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, an organisation founded by the NSPCC and backed by the Department for Education and Skills.

Bromley Council's executive councillor for children and young people, Councillor Graham Arthur, said: "It is fantastic and every school in the borough is involved.

"Bullying is a despicable thing and it is something which we must never ever tolerate."

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