AN architect says he wants to be a Robin Hood-type campaigner who prevents absent councillors keeping their jobs.

Clive Newson is appealing for residents to sign up to a petition calling on the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) to change the rules on councillors who move away from their wards.

At present a councillor could move anywhere in the world but keep their job and allowance as long as they attend a council meeting once every six months.

They are not obliged to hold surgeries or even speak to residents.

In April, West Wickham councillor Chris Wordingham moved away from Biggin Hill to run a pub in Devon.

And in September we reported how Chelsfield and Pratts Bottom councillor Adrian Marshall had moved to a village near the East Sussex coast.

Both councillors continue to draw their basic allowance of nearly £10,000 a year.

Both councillors have told News Shopper they are able to perform the duties from where they now live.

Mr Newson, from Orpington, says absent councillors cannot provide a complete service to their constituents.

The 68-year-old said: "I ferociously object. What's to stop a councillor moving to Australia and using their allowance to fly back twice a year?

"What on earth is happening with this country? I really feel like a peasant, ruled by the manor, because of the way our taxes are used. I feel like being Robin Hood."

Mr Newson, who has lived in the borough for 35 years, wants to send the petition to the ODPM calling on it to change the rules making sure councillors live close to their constituents.

An ODPM spokesman says Independent Remuneration Panels advise councils on allowance, who in turn must be held to account by their electors.

For more information on Mr Newson's campaign, call 01689 824869.