A FRESH appeal has been launched to find the family of a baby girl abandoned in a phone box.

The girl, named Paula, is with foster parents but Bromley Council wants to know more about her background, such as details on hereditary illnesses, so she can be cared for properly.

Paula was six to eight hours old when a passer-by found her wrapped in a pink blanket in a phone box on the A21 near Farnborough on August 3.

Rory Patterson, the council's assistant director of social services for children and families, said: "Paula is doing very well.

"She is a healthy and happy baby but it is always better to have as much information as possible about a child so we can ensure she is appropriately cared for."

Paula's foster carer said: "Paula is a delighful baby and it has been a real privilege to look after her.

"I would urge anyone with information to contact the council."

Anyone with information should call the council's social services' safeguarding and care planning team on 020 8461 7302.