LEUKAEMIA sufferer Alex Wardrope has been handed the ultimate early Christmas present the bone marrow match which will keep him alive.

Nineteen-year-old Alex will have a life-saving transplant early next month after a donor was found with the required tissue match.

His mother Joanne Wardrope says her son is "delighted" at the news, even though it means he will have to spend the festive period in hospital.

Last month, Alex and his family were left devastated when a potential donor proved not to have a close enough tissue match.

But now a near-perfect match has been found and Alex is set to have a transplant at London's Guy's Hospital early next month.

Mrs Wardrope, of Sidewood Road, New Eltham, said: "It has been a real roller coaster for us.

"I feel numb. This has gone on and on and I just want it to be over now for Alex's sake."

Once Alex has had the transplant he will have to remain in hospital over Christmas to recover, a sacrifice Mrs Wardrope says he is prepared to make.

She added: "There is no option. I'm sure like most 19-year-olds he would rather be out partying at Christmas but he knows this is for the best in the long term."

Former Orpington College pupil Alex was diagnosed with Acute T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in January last year.

Since News Shopper started its campaign to find him a donor we have received nearly 200 calls from readers offering their help.

The Anthony Nolan Trust, which compiles the national bone marrow register, says the chances of finding a donor depend on the individual but are usually around one in 1,000.

The transplant operation is successful in 60 per cent of cases.

Trust spokesman Lynsey Dickson said: "Newspaper coverage helps us raise awareness and it is great News Shopper has supported us.

"But it is important to reiterate there are thousands of other people out there looking for a match. Alex is just one of many."

For details on joining the bone marrow register, call 0901 882 2234.