TWO youngsters have discovered a hidden talent for gardening.

Philip Clarke, five, and Tia Leoni Inwood, seven, entered the annual Young Gardener of the Year contest run by the Hawley Garden Centre, Hawley Road, Dartford.

Earlier this year more than 200 children were given cabbage and cucumber seeds to grow as part of the competition.

Philip, of Brookdale Road, Bexley, and a pupil at Old Bexley CofE Primary School in Hurst Road, Bexley, grew a cucumber which weighed in at 2lb 5oz.

Tia, of Gunn Road, Swanscombe, and a pupil at Swanscombe Infants' School, Keary Road, Swanscombe, grew a walking stick cabbage more than 3ft tall.

Both children were presented with propagators and lots more seeds to grow by centre manager Paul Busbridge.

Next year children will be challenged to grow pumpkins from seed.

Mr Busbridge said: "The aim of our annual competition is to encourage young people to get out into their gardens and have a bit of fun."