AN ANGRY neighbour of Bluewater has called for the complex to give residents a break this Christmas by shutting up shop on Boxing Day.

Councillor Gwen Tripp thinks it is unacceptable the centre opens on December 26 causing congestion misery for surrounding areas due to the high number of bargain hunters.

Cllr Tripp, a town councillor for Swanscombe and Greenhithe, is calling for the centre to be shut down until December 27.

Cllr Tripp said the residents of Swanscombe, Greenhithe and Bean have enough to put up with in the run up to Christmas due to shoppers clogging up their roads and roundabouts.

Vice chairman of the Greenhithe Community Association Richard Lees thinks the answer is a traffic control system diverting vehicles away from long-suffering areas.

Mr Lees says he does not travel on Boxing Day but understands how frustrating the traffic must be for people near Bluewater.

He believes a possible solution to give residents some peace over the festive period is diverting all traffic to the complex along the A2 and closing off access to residential roads.

Last Boxing Day, Cllr Tripp said a car journey which usually takes her 10 minutes took more than an hour because every road was blocked with people travelling to and from Bluewater.

The Pilgrims View resident said it is sad to think people prefer shopping to spending time with their families.

She said: "I am so adamant about Boxing Day.

"It's got really bad.

"Bluewater should give us all a break."

A spokesman for Bluewater said: "The demand to open on Boxing Day is driven by shoppers and retailers.

"The decision to open the centre on Boxing Day was made by Bluewater's Retail Partnership, a group of retailers which represents the 330 stores at Bluewater, at a meeting in May."