CLASSIC NOTES: Dartford Choral Society is holding a concert featuring Johannes Brahms' Requiem and Arvo Part's The Beatitudes. The event takes place this Saturday at 7.30pm at the Stone House Hospital Chapel, Cotton Lane, Stone. Tickets cost £7 and £5 for senior citizens and students. Call 01474 321604.

TREE PLANTING: The Cliffe Community and Conservation Partnership and Friends of Forge Common are looking for help planting trees at High Halstow on the Hoo peninsula. Volunteers should meet at RSPB Northward Hill Woodland car park at 10am on Saturday. Call 01634 222480.

SEASONAL SALES: Christmas crafts will be on offer at St Nicholas Church's fundraising event on December 3. It takes place at the church in Church Street, Southfleet, and will run from 10am until noon. Funds raised will go towards restoring the churches' tower.

MOZART MUSE: Gravesend Library is hosting a talk on Mozart and his music presented by Wendy and Bernard Watson. It takes place at the library in Windmill Street on December 1 at 2.30pm. Tickets are £1 and are available from the library.

FAIR FUN: A Christmas fair takes place at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, King Edward Avenue, Dartford, on December 10. It will start at noon. Call 07946 614776.