A COMMUNITY stalwart who worked tirelessly to promote peace has died.

Dorothy Shipp, 93, (pictured) founded the Lewisham branch of the United Nations Association (UNA) in 1946 and worked with the council to promote UN-led initiatives.

In the 1980s she launched UNA branches in Greenwich and Blackheath and Bromley and was a key figure in helping to set up the Lewisham Refugee Network.

Mrs Shipp was involved in the Lewisham Peace Council and was a long-time governor of Catford County School.

She was also an honorary member of the Labour party.

Her friend of 25 years Diana Phillips, says Mrs Shipp was a "wonderful person".

She said: "Dorothy was absolutely amazing and a real inspiration to my work and to many other people."

Miss Shipp died on November 3, after a fall.