RESIDENTS are being encouraged to shop pubs which flout the new licensing laws.

Council and police chiefs in Greenwich have launched a joint licensing operation, encouraging people to act as their "eyes and ears".

A key part of the operation is a 24-hour telephone hotline, where eagle-eyed drinkers can report the pubs who are failing to stick to their newly-agreed licences.

The new laws, which allow licensed premises to stay open later, come into effect tomorrow.

The Greenwich drive entitled Operation Grapevine will see extra police patrols in the borough's town centres.

But the authorities also want residents to play their part to ensure the new laws are upheld.

Greenwich Council leader Councillor Chris Roberts said: "We will be increasing patrols but we also need people to act as our eyes and ears.

"I would encourage residents to call our hotline number to let us know where licensed businesses are causing a problem or failing to stick to the terms of their licence."

Opposition parties in Greenwich are not convinced by the idea, claiming the council has failed to inform its residents properly about the new laws.

Deputy Conservative group leader Councillor Spencer Drury said: "If there is an increase in anti- social behaviour as a result of the longer opening hours, the council only has itself to blame."

The new licensing laws also allow local authorities to close down those premises which are persistently in breach of their licences.

Lewisham Council does not have a telephone hotline but has threatened to use its new powers where appropriate.

Deputy mayor Councillor Gavin Moore said: "If certain areas are having more problems we will consider putting in tighter restrictions on opening hours in those areas.

"The ultimate sanction is we can take away a premises' licence and we are prepared to use this if we have to."

Greenwich Council's hotline will be in operation from tomorrow. Call 020 8921 8018.